Warsaw Old Town Charm
by Carol Japp
Warsaw Old Town Charm
Carol Japp
Photograph - Photography And Digital Art
The heart of the Polish capital of Warsaw's old town is a maze of charming winding streets, alleys and lanes filled with all the colours of the rainbow. It's a joy to get lost amongst them and never be quite sure of what lies around the next corner but always know that it will be something delightful.
October 16th, 2015
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Comments (103)
Christopher James
One of your peers nominated this image in the 1000 views Groups nominated images by your fellow artist in the Special Features #12 promotion discussion. Please visit and pass on the love to another artist.
Nicklas Gustafsson
I'm nominating this beautiful picture for a special feature in the 1000 views group!
Christopher James
Congratulation.....your wonderful work has been featured in the 1000 Views on 1 Image Group l/f/p
Kellice Swaggerty
I really like the tight composition and the way all the various architectural shapes compliment each other, Carol! Very fine work indeed! L/F